Behind the (Deleted) Scenes – The Metro Club…

Superman IV


Superman IV

Reeve And Hemingway

Shot on location in London’s Hippodrome nightclub in November 1986, the crystal-clear stills above were the only evidence for decades that the scenes set in the grand opening of ‘The Metro Club’ were indeed filmed, serving to develop the relationship between Clark and Lacy and also introduce the archaic Nuclearman I.

According to the script, Clark not only manages to jump a waiting Newlywed couple past the mean bouncers at Super-Speed but then sweep Lacy literally off her feet by levitating whilst in a clinch.  This entire sequence may have not made it to the screen but did make it into the comic-book adaptation, where the scripted dialogue is also nicely preserved.

Allegedly the only reason for the footage exclusion in the Superman IV; Deluxe Edition DVD was the lack of music copyright which has since been rectified.  UK pop group Re-Flex provided tracks for these scenes which was finally released in its entirety in the Superman; The Music Boxed Set. Hopefully in future a Blu-Ray release will reinstate it, finally making the deleted scenes complete, albeit in workprint form…


3 Replies to “Behind the (Deleted) Scenes – The Metro Club…”

  1. A great material, this shows that we don´t get all the deleted scenes in the deluxe editions of the superman movies.

  2. Yes indeed, Seb –

    I remember reading the long list of footage to be rated by the BBFC with tears in my eyes as I just couldn't believe we were getting them – I had been convinced they were destroyed so never would. These, plus the revelation of the Donner Cut damn near blew my mind. It mattered no the quality of either was neglegable – it was just amazing to see in motion what we had only ever previously seen in stills…

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