Superman IV Storyboards Cont’d…

From the pencil of Martin Asbury – this sequence on the balcony of Lex Luthor’s Penthouse made it more or less completely intact in the finished picture save for a Nuclearman gimmick or two.

Notice how Nuclearman himself is rendered as a featureless Golem as intended in the script back when Christopher Reeve was to portray both characters. Nuclearman was cloned from Superman’s DNA after all…


The Big Red Book…

Another SUPERMANIA exclusive – Starting above is a serialisation of storyboards from Superman IV: The Quest For Peace by acclaimed UK artist Martin Asbury.

These never-before-published sequences are from the longest cut of the movie and feature the script in its entirety and much more detail of the various Nuclearman battles. Collected in a handsome red binder, this significant find was rescued from a skip at Elstree Studios some years ago. Sadly, only the second binder of two survived (picking up from the gym scenes) but nonetheless feature the majority of the action.

Keep checking back for more updates…!


Join The Crew…

This newest acquisition of genuine set-used crew-wear is notable for the fact it once belonged to somebody working on the ‘Flying Unit’ and would have been present during most if not all stunt/ flying scenes of Superman IV.

One suspects this blue satin Bomber jacket would have been most useful during the chilly November nights at Elstree Studios in 1986/7 and as the pictures demonstrate, it survived in pristine condition to this day and is a treasured addition to the collection..!


Turning Japanese…

Showcasing arguably the sharpest and most colourful photography available from the Movie series, these Japanese Programmes also contain Cast & Crew Bios along with the standard synopsis of each picture.

The first in a number of posts to come of Japanese printed matter including clippings with even more rare imagery..!


Behind The (Deleted) Scenes – Metropolis JFK…

Candid images from the set of Jeremy’s school from Superman IV: The Quest For Peace – In reality the Woughton Campus of the Sir Frank Markham Comprehensive School in Milton Keynes, UK, Circa 1986. Note veteran make-up artist Stuart Freeborn attending to Reeve’s sideburns – Freeborn was the Make-Up Supervisor on all four pictures;

From Starlog Magazine #119;
“It takes about an hour and a half to make Chris up as Superman, and about thirty minutes to do his Clark Kent makeup. Chris’ face is just about the same as it was ten years ago – I know makeup men are supposed to say that anyway, but in this case, its really true…”