“Fouled Out…”





Though its common knowledge Christopher Reeve was given story credit for Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, it would be seasoned screenwriters Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal (Jewel Of The Nile/The Legend Of Billie Jean) who would actually collaborate on the doomed project behind the typewriter.

The newest addition to the SUPERMANIA archive is a copy of their third draft (dated June 23, 1986) and while the plot (and maybe 85% of the dialogue) is consistent with the ‘finished’ picture, this particular submission has some startling contributions that, like so many other aspects of the film, were tragically/mercifully destined to be omitted.

First among the numerous improvements on the final film is the opening credits sequence, (top page) which was conceptualised as Superman’s pursuit and elimination of meteorites headed for Earth (having just caused the Soviet Spaceship incident) with a special note to utilize IMAX footage shot from the Space Shuttle.  One can only imagine how awesome this would’ve been in stark contrast to the final dull static shot of Earth resplendent with glittery titles.

Another sad deletion is this fantastic scene (second & third pic) taking place after the Subway train rescue where Clark is made even later for work having to deal with a bullying drug dealer and littering clearly written to showcase the charms of the leading man (the limo transformation, although similarly done in Superman III is still a great touch)

Not so inspired is the denouement of the global battle between Superman and Nuclearman (bottom page) where, having been wounded, Superman escapes Nuclearman’s clutches by squishing himself out of his own costume only to land naked at the Kent farm (where he borrows a scarecrow’s clothes before holing himself up in the farmhouse).  Rewritten as the equally weak cape detachment from Nuclearman’s kick, as the plot device of the energy module was yet to surface, Superman regains his charge from the ship itself.

Among the other interesting differences is the surprisingly short encounter with Nuclearman I, (who in this version doesn’t even encounter Superman face to face and is disposed of by accident) the non-appearance of Lois Lane until the first Daily Planet scene and later, bizarrely, showing up at the Kent farm to find Clark suffering from radiation poisoning, the description of Nuclearman II clearly as hideous mutated creature rather than man able to ‘morph’ in appearance and Superman’s all-encompassing ‘Super-Vision’ in place of the traditional x-rays.

While there are some solid ideas present overall it quickly becomes apparent every version of Superman IV is a desperate muddle.  Whatever honourable intention the story had to address a real-world global issue gets lost amid some truly wacky notions in stark contrast of the verisimilitude set out by the earlier entries…

SUPERMANIA owes another debt of thanks to James Sawyer (editor of 1989 Batman.com) for securing me a copy of this intriguing find…


All ‘New’ Picture Card Series Completed..!





SUPERMANIA is pleased to report that at very long last the art and text for the Superman IV Trading Card set is complete!  Barring last-minute changes, the set is now in the capable hands of Alexei who is currently in the process of selecting the ideal machine and sourcing the most accurate card stock for the era before going to print…

More updates and printed samples to follow..!







More never before seen behind the scenes images from the SUPERMANIA collection on location with Superman IV: The Quest For Peace – 

The decision to shoot the entirety of the fourth instalment in the Super series in the UK was especially convenient for star Christopher Reeve, who was living in fashionable Chelsea at the time.  Having struck a two-picture deal with Cannon Films, Reeve was fulfilling his contractual obligation with Superman before he could work on a more personal project, Street Smart.

As Reeve’s family was also based in England the star had them along on the shoot (bottom pic with Matthew, Alexandra and Mother Gae) and as second unit director, managed to get both of his children in the Tornado rescue scene.

Also on-set was Special Effects supremo John Evans, (third pic down, right with blue sweater and moustache) who would go on to create ‘those wonderful toys’ seen in Warner Bros. Batman feature only three years later…


King Video Vs. WB…





Concluding this month’s SUPERMANIA special feature on the vintage Laserdisc releases of the Superman series is the franchise denouement/killer Superman IV: The Quest For Peace – 

Despite its quaint assessment by Desmond Ryan of The Philadelphia Enquirer as ‘good fun’ (See tagline on US release, third pic down) this final entry proved to be bittersweet but no less controversial than any of its predecessors.  Dogged with problems from its conception onward and executed with a fraction of its intended budget, the above is notable for representing both the shortest and longest cuts of the movie before the advent of DVD.

The longest and therefore most coveted is the Japanese import release from King Video distributors (Top & Second pic) which was popular with US fans due to its 93 minute runtime.  This, along with its sharp and unique sleeve art made it a serious collectable in its own right until ‘all’ of the lost footage was found and reinserted (as deleted scenes in workprint form) by WB years later for the Deluxe Edition on DVD.

Typically, the Western version was what would only be described as ‘Vanilla’ even back then, with a 90-minute runtime and uninspired presentation (replete with a still from a deleted scene carelessly included on the rear of the sleeve) though the reproduction of Daniel Goozee’s fantastic poster art on the cover is first class.

I hope you have enjoyed this overview of these great pieces of cinematic, now collectable history – please feel free to leave any comments or questions.  Until then, a very Happy Easter to you all..!







Exclusive prints from the SUPERMANIA archive depicting location filming for Superman IV: The Quest For Peace in rural England.  Shown above is the screen debut of one Alexandra Reeve, daughter of Superman Christopher.

The bulky flying harness apparent around Reeve’s midsection was mistaken by the British press at the time for the actor putting on excess weight, generating headlines such as ‘Superslob!’

Both Reeve children featured in the scene where a tornado started by the fiendish Nuclearman devastates a Kansas farm shown in European cinemas but excised from the US cut.  The workprint version can be found on the Superman IV Deluxe edition DVD/Blu-Ray…