Behind the (Deleted) Scenes – Tornado Rescue Cont’d…

Rare images from the set of the Tornado scene from Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

From the top, the last of the special set-taken prints and above, rare publicity B&W still of the finished scene. Note Christopher Reeve’s daughter Alexandra harnessed in mid-air for the rescue…


Behind The (Deleted) Scenes – Tornado Rescue…

Amazing images capturing the action from the Hertfordshire location of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace in 1986 –

Note director Sidney J. Furie (top picture, second from right) and Christopher Reeve’s boot preserving loafers for rehearsal. This entire scene (featuring both Reeve children) was present in the UK theatrical and VHS release but absent from the US theatrical and DVD offerings until returning in grainy workprint-style footage on the Superman IV: Deluxe Edition DVD…


Stunt Team ’87…

Shown above are genuine branded crew-used garments acquired from the Propstore Of London some years ago and easily some of the favourite pieces of my collection.

I often wear the Stunt Team jacket to cons and such and always get good notices. Margot Kidder even asked during a signing if I had worked on the picture (I would have been 15 years old at the time!). The jacket features for a few seconds in a UK children’s TV special during behind the scenes footage of the excised Nuclearman 1 battle…