Reborn, Reborn..!

Hi Martin, Below is a first look link to our live script reading performance of Superman Reborn, the unmade 5th Christopher Reeve Superman film. There was a third draft of the story that leaked on the Internet many years ago however that was not the draft that we used. What was utilized was a never before seen first draft that was signed off and intended by producer Ilya Salkind and writers Mark Jones and Cary Bates.

It also features a live Q&A with the producer Ilya Salkind and screenwriter Mark Jones. This is what was performed and recorded in Hollywood November of last year. It is currently unlisted. We are officially picture locked and are scheduled for a world premiere of Monday January 13. Here is an exclusive first look for you. Enjoy and feel free to share with whoever you think might be interested in viewing it first before anyone else. Hope you’re doing well and stay safe out there. –

David Kocher


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