"Great Blue Git…"

A recent viewing of the Richard Donner Cut of Superman II prompted a dusting off of my original script, (originally belonging to Production Illustrator Reg Hill) where I was reminded of the intended opening shown above.

These pages are the only evidence of the scene’s existence, however, as apparently it was never shot. The lack of the Fox Hunting scene among others accounts for Superman’s late appearance in his own movie, highlighting the fundamental problem with the Donner Cut insofar as expectations could never be met by what is, essentially, a series of unfinished scenes with Richard Lester footage as glue. Despite a valiant effort by editor Michael Thau to achieve coherence with this, it ultimately best viewed as a flawed but nonetheless groundbreaking experiment – and possibly the greatest DVD extra ever conceived.

Its also fascinating to think what potential use the above scene may have been put to in a campaign to ban foxhunting by people who shared Superman’s sentiment – a law that was passed by the UK Government decades later…


Superman IV Storyboards Cont’d…

More the Big Red Book and the continuation of the first round the world encounter with Nuclearman II. These scenes were among those omitted for the US release but present in the European cut.

Printed in blue (presumably as a revision), this is the first instance of incorporating stills from footage already shot into storyboards I’ve ever seen..!


Clarity And Truth…

Welcome to 2011 and a premiere post featuring no less than set-used props from Superman: The Movie!

Acquired from the outstanding team at the Propstore of London, this set comprises of (from the top) Genuine Daily Planet typewriter paper (as seen in close-up) A Planet envelope (as carried by Clark for Lois to the changing room) a file spine and finally a sheet of notepaper.

These were all created as set dressing/functional props to litter the busy Newspaper office and used throughout all four movies. Check out Propstore’s site for even more Superman rarities!!